Proprietary Customized Nutrition

Over the past 15 years we have extensively researched the nutritional needs and created proprietary nutritional support that is customized to specific underlying issues around health and weight loss.

Products are customized to work on underlying issues such as blood sugar, hormone, thyroid, digestive, and also address the need to detoxify.

Your specific support will be selected based on your individual needs after an extensive evaluation to determine the root cause of your problem.

Body Sculpting and Aesthetic Services

We understand your need for quick results while still addressing the underlying issue resulting in weight gain. Consequently, we provide state of the art lipo laser (Often called Fat Melt) technology. After extensive research we have made a major investment in infrared laser technology which not only permeates fat cells to allow for the elimination of the fat resulting in loss of inches and cellulite, but also has significant health benefits.

This and additional services within our office result in skin tightening, as well as elastin and collegen production for both face and body.

Holistic Medicine Services

With a complete array of Holistic Medicine Services, our team has proven success at addressing the root cause of your weight issue and resolving most health conditions.

For those with hormone or thyroid issues, we do extensive saliva and serum testing. Our goal is not to give you the hormone or substance you may test out of range for. Rather, we seek to identify why your body has a particular hormone imbalance and support you in resolving the imbalance naturally.

For those with blood sugar, cholesterol, cancer prevention or recovery issues, we provide specific dietary counseling to address your specific needs. Often a modified ketogenic or paleo diet can be helpful in these situations.

We can do follow up testing in our office or work with your conventional doctor to make certain your specific health issues are being addressed.

We have a proven track record of using researched dietary therapies with cancer patients and their oncologist to improve the efficacy of chemotherapy or radiation while decreasing the side effects.

For those with digestive or autoimmune issues such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, or celiacs or chrones disease, we offer specialized testing to determine food sensitivities, antibodies, genetic markers, and gut permeability issues. We help resolved or reduce symptoms with various treatment modalities including proprietary supplements, acupuncture, infrared treatments, lymphatic drainage, and detoxification protocols.

We Work Within Your Budget

We realize affordability is often a concern. This is where communication is extremely important. While we always recommend the products and services that would be most beneficial for your needs, we can customize any program to meet your budgetary constraints. Additionally, we offer several levels of program intensity as well as various discounts and payment options.


Natural Weight Loss Philosophy

Detoxification Support

With any weight loss process, detoxification can become critically important. Consequently, we offer a complete range of detoxification support.

We’ve selected our detoxification techniques after extensive research. Our services range from state of the art infrared technology to hands on lymphatic drainage and acupuncture. We use both mechanical and hands on massage, full body vibration, and specific liver, metal, hormone, or chemical detox programs custom designed to your specific needs.

Extensive Evaluation

We provide an extensive evaluation to determine the actual root cause of your difficulty maintaining your desired figure and body weight.

Our initial evaluation uses various bio-energetic and laser scanning devises to identify the underlying issues regarding your difficulties surrounding your ideal figure and body weight.

Often we find that the root cause may be an unidentified subconsciously held belief. These are often people who subconsciously use the weight to protect themselves, or had some event or comment as a child that caused them to create a negative self image.

Unfortunately, until the underlying emotion is released, this person may continue to sabotage their weight loss success and never achieve the figure and appearance they deeply desire.


Next Steps…

If you want to never fear another mirror, call 714-616-1615 to schedule a consultation. Mention discount $100 off for $100 off on your initial consultation which will make it only $59. We will sit down and discuss your specific health and weight issues to see if you are a good candidate for our services and if you qualify for our Success Guarantee Program. We look forward to meeting you soon.